the team
The two most important things in any company do not appear on its balance sheet: its reputation and its people (Hanry Ford)
Giuseppe Comberlato and Giulio Vettorato, the founders and owners of IMMMES. The heart of engineering and the soul of production. These two indispensable figures have become increasingly integrated and complementary as IMMMES has grown and as its functions and departments have become more complex. They are entrusted with the task of sharing and setting the company’s guidelines.
It always seems impossible until it’s done. (Nelson Mandela)
Three pillars representing the complexity of the commercial world of IMMMES, made up of over 40 agents spread across the globe. Martina Lando and Giovanni Beccaro, leaders in charge of the Plants and Structures sectors, and Elena Gambarro, a reliable operational interface for managing all customers.
Lack of patience in small matters leads to the disruption of great plans. (Confucios)
Even though they work like arrows… Simone Tramonte, Nicola Lago, and Fani Varlan, who transform every product and contractual detail into an operational project. You are in their hands!
Behind the scenes at Immmes, Mara Fabris, Marco Paiusco and Gennj Bissacco are the custodians of administrative management. With impeccable precision they take care of every detail, ensuring that every operation proceeds smoothly, making the most complex tasks a team game. Three professionals capable of turning data management into an example of efficiency and friendliness.
The faculty to think objectively is reason; the emotional attitude behind reason is that of humility. To be objective, to use one’s reason, is possible only if one has achieved an attitude of humility, if one has emerged from the dreams of omniscience and omnipotence…. Erich Fromm
A role whose description requires combining the virtues of King Solomon and Archimedes, but also a bit of MacGyver. In practice, Daniele Comberlato and Federico Corrò. They are the ones who deal with fixing troubles no matter where they come from. But they are by far the most beloved by customers.